Smart Dryer
Developed to dry manual encapsulators, duralumin discs, nylon discs, bottles, lids and various plastics, glassware and other utensils at a constant temperature suitable for these materials.
It has a microprocessed digital controller that ensures superior precision in drying temperature and faster response of the equipment to external temperature oscillations. Its digital timer allows pre-setting a drying cycle of your preference and records it in the equipment's memory.
At the end of each drying process, the dryer runs a cold air cycle to acclimatize the pieces to room temperature, preventing thermal shocks and prolonging the pieces lifespan. At the end of each drying cycle, the equipment is turned off automatically.
Versatile, it can be fixed on the wall or placed over the washing sink or other piece of furniture. The dryer holds up to 18 kg of load per drying cycle, that is, it can hold 24 plates with 50 to 360 holes; or 12 plates with 600 holes; or 08 sets of duralumin discs; or 12 sets of nylon discs; or 4 perforated shelves with assorted items, per cycle.
Its shelves are removable, can be separately purchased and can be used as draining racks for the items, right after washing, or as displays, for items that are already dry.
Voltage: 127 or 220 Volts
Power: 1300 Watts
Dimensions: 55 x 50 x 82 cm (length x width x height)
Weight: 18 kg
Optional: Support for wall fixing; perforated shelf; drainer shelf; plate rack.